Dental Radiographs for Your Pet at 4th Street Pet Hospital

Did you know that up to 60% of a dog’s dental issues occur below the gum line, out of view? That’s why radiographs, or x-rays, are such an important tool for veterinarians when examining a dog or cat’s dental health. Radiographs give vets a detailed, under the gum line view of the entire dental structure, including the surrounding bones. Since radiographs are considered very safe and non-invasive, there’s no better diagnostic tool to get ahead of issues before they become painful or decrease quality of life.

How are radiographs taken in dogs and cats?

During routine dental examinations and after injuries, we will likely recommend radiographs to give the most accurate diagnosis possible. Unlike humans, dogs and cats must be put under general anesthesia in order to take radiographs. This may sound scary, but it is in your pet’s best interest since holding a pet down to take a radiograph can be very traumatizing for the animal.

Is taking radiographs of my pets safe?

Yes, both the anesthesia given during radiographs and the radiographs themselves are considered to be very safe for dogs and cats alike.

Labwork will be done before administering anesthesia to assess the pet’s life and kidney function and ensure they are healthy enough for anesthesia. The anesthesia dosage is carefully calculated using your pet’s current weight and administered via sterile injection and/or IV and your pet is monitored constantly until the effects of the anesthesia wear off.

The amount of radiation used when taking radiographs of your pet is very small and considered to be safe with no side effects.

Pet dental radiographs in Tampa Bay

If your pet is in need of a routine exam or has experienced an injury, let the veterinary professionals here at 4th Street Pet Hospital in St. Petersburg provide you with knowledgeable, compassionate, state-of-the-art care. If radiographs are in order, you can rely on our updated equipment and staff’s expertise to get the most accurate images possible so that we can develop a treatment plan that works best for your pet. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your dog or cat’s dental health!